Penta Technology

All-RussianOmnibus– Public OpinionFoundationPENTA 

PENTA – a technology of all-Russian public opinion polls, where the period duration from formulation of a question to receiving the survey results is five days (hence the name of the technology).

The survey was conducted across Russia in the form of personal interviews, conducted at the respondents’ places of residence.

Questionnaires for each survey are formed by the OMNIBUS type and are devoted to one or several subjects, and can also include custom questions.

Organization of the Survey 

Survey questionnaires are formed each week on Mondays and Tuesdays and sent by e-mail to the regions on Wednesdays.

Field work was conducted on Friday evenings, Saturdays and Sundays (10 am to 9 pm).

Survey respondents are chosen so that their opinions reflect, as closely as possible, the average opinions of the Russian population. The basic selection principle is that every citizen of Russia would have a chance to be interviewed.

The survey data is then sent out on Mondays from the regions to Moscow. Data processing is carried out on Tuesdays and Wednesdays. And on Wednesday nights, the customers can receive the results in the form of simple percentage distributions. On Thursdays the fully processed survey data is sent out to the customers.

Data Sources 

Weekly nationwide polls are conducted on a representative sample of 100 settlements in 44 regions and republics of all economic and geographic zones of Russia.143

Interviews in local communities. Sample size – 1500 respondents.

Statistical error within 3.6%.

There are additional weekly representative surveys of Moscow residents (sample size – 600 respondents, 100 of which are also in the all-Russian sample).

Chart data is presented in % of all respondents (population of Russia as a whole and population of Moscow, respectively).


The questionnaire includes two sets of questions. The first set is devoted to socio-political issues. The second set reflects the socio-demographic characteristics of respondents. Other questions focus on current issues.

The interviewer reads the questionnaire and during an interview shows respondents cards with choice answers or pictures. The survey itself can last for about 30-40 minutes. Those respondents who have already been featured in the fund’s samples are not re-interviewed.