No, there is no GodSometimes i believe, sometimes notI tend to believe in GodI definitely believe in God
NoChristian (in general)Christian Catholic ChurchChristian Anglican ChurchProtestants (please, specify what exactly in the form below) )Christian Orthodox Church MuslimBuddismJudaismPaganism (believing in many gods) New Age / Holistic Tradition Other (please, specify what exactly in the form below)
(Scale: 1 - not at all, 10 - very religious)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Scale: 1 - not influential at all, 5 - very influential
Too much attention to religion is paid here It's ok, my religious needs are satisfiedThere is something about religion, but it doesn't suit me personallyIt is definitely not enough
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In this monthDuring last monthsIn this yearLong ago Never (probably, never) I don't remember
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